About This Show

C. S. Lewis’ series, The Chronicles of Narnia, delivers a spellbound landscape, filled with creatures of myth and fable. The children in this story face temptation and fear, but learn deep lessons of courage, unselfishness, and wisdom that help them grow in spirit and prepare them for life in our world.

Your MainStage Commitments

Everyone who auditions will be cast. By registering, you agree to attend ALL rehearsals, work days and performances. Your conflicts with any of these—including late arrival to rehearsal and/or leaving rehearsal early—disrupts everyone and could result in casting changes. No conflicts effective Monday, February 24, 2025.
Be clear on these requirements before committing yourself to this production.

There are three requirements for family volunteer work. All three must be fullfilled:

    Families are required to support the production with 15 hours of volunteer work. 10 additional hours are required for each additional child.
  2. TECH WEEK March 9–13:
    10 volunteer hours are required of each family during Tech Week.
  3. RUN-OF-SHOW March 14–23:
    Each family is required to work four of the seven shows—backstage or front-of-house.
    Participation in Strike is mandatory following the final performance.

Note: In lieu of fullfilling the pre-show work requirement, we accept a limited number of production donations to offset the production costs. Please email  [email protected] if you would like to request this buy-out of the pre-show volunteer hours requirement.

Performances: Friday, March 14–23
School Show: Thursday, March 20

Auditions: January 10–11, 2025. A link to available audition time slots will be sent to you via your confirmation email once you have registered.

There will be a limited number of optional 10-for-10 VOCAL PREP (for all) and MONOLOGUE PREP (for those having done 3+ shows with PPP) Workshops available January 7–9. The link to sign up for these workshops will be included in your confirmation email once you’ve registered.  These are 10 minutes for $10, payable by cash, check or ZELLE to [email protected].

If you’ve done two or less shows with PPP, you qualify for a FREE Monologue Workshop on Wednesday, January 8, 6:00–7:30pm.

Note: The roles of Aslan and the White Witch have been precast.

Prepare a one-minute dramatic monologue. Also prepare 16 measures of a classic musical theater selection (Ballad–Where is Love, Don’t Rain on My Parade, On My Own). Bring photocopied sheet music, taped together and marked with the start/end for the accompanist.

Dance Auditions will be Sunday, January 12.

  • Zero/Minimal Dance Experience: 1–2:30pm
  • Moderate/Advanced Dance Experience (must have taken or currently participating in a dance class): 3:30–5:00pm

Wear comfortable clothing and shoes (closed-toed sneakers or jazz shoes) and bring your own water bottle labeled with your name.

Show off your gymnastic skills (parental permission required). Sunday, January 12, 2:45–3:15pm

CALLBACK process begins:
January 12, 5:00pm–January 14, 9:00pm

Load-in Theater: Sunday, March 9
Tech Week—March 9–13
Strike: Sunday, March 23

Read Through: Friday, January 17, 6–8:30pm
Parent Meeting: Saturday, January 18 10–11am.
First All-Cast Rehearsal: Saturday, January 18, 10am–2pm.
No Conflicts effective Monday, February 24
In general, rehearsals will be:

  • Fridays 6–9pm
  • Saturdays 10am–5pm
  • Sundays 1–6pm

Each cast member’s call times will depend on their role, but will likely fall within these times.

Call times estimated to be:

  • Sunday, March 9 from 11am–6pm
  • Monday, March 10 from 5–10pm
  • Tuesday, March 11 from 5–10-pm
  • Wednesday, March 12 from 5–10pm
  • Thursday, March 13 from 5–10pm

TECH WEEK—March 9–13: No missing rehearsal, arriving late or leaving rehearsal early.

NITTY GRITTY DAY is tbd. An adult from each family must attend Nitty Gritty Day and Move-In Day.

Refund requested by January 1o, 2025: 100% refund less $75 administrative fee. No refunds will be given after auditions.

First time auditioning, or new to community theater? We’re happy to answer your questions. Reach out to [email protected].