March 14–23, 2025
The first and most famous story of The Chronicles of Narnia has become a musical presentation of this unique, enchanted world filled with creatures and spirits of myth and fable, both good and evil, demonic and transcendent. The principal inhabitants, however, are the intelligent talking animals ruled by the majestic King Aslan, the great lion of Narnia. Though Aslan is often absent from the land (so that his very existence is doubted by some), he returns when the need for him is greatest. And entering Narnia at a moment of high adventure are some children—plucked from our world in unexpected ways to help Narnia and to learn from their Narnia odyssey lessons of courage, unselfishness and wisdom that will help them grow. Narnia wants to sing, and from the excitement of the opening song, “Aslan’s on the Move,” to the joy of “Narnia (You Can’t Imagine),” your spirits will soar with all those in Narnia.
March 14–23, 2025
Fridays at 7pm
Saturdays at 2pm
Sundays at 2pm
Approx. 100 minutes, plus a 15-minute intermission
College of San Mateo Theatre
1700 W. Hillsdale Blvd, San Mateo
Suited for all ages
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